Skip call waiting and send your own personalized messages straight to voicemail
What is Slydial?
Slydial connects you directly to a contact’s voicemail, so you can send personal, pre-recorded voice messages without waiting for the phone to ring.
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A Look Inside Slydial
- Send pre-recorded, personalized voicemail messages, individually or for a group of up to 10 contacts at once
- Alternative to: Mojo Dialer and cold calling
- Connect directly to your contacts’ voicemail without waiting for the phone to ring
- Best for: Teams that want to save time and send personal outreach to clients, prospects, and team members
Save your favorite contacts so you can easily send voice messages to your top connections.
With Slydial, you can send a voice message to any US mobile phone number with just the touch of a button.
Once you download the app and create an account, you’re ready to go!
Phone calls are so 2009.
Skip the uncomfortable small talk and go straight to your contact’s voicemail box, where you can leave a simple voice message without the stress.
Pre-record voicemails and schedule delivery, so you can reach your contacts at the right time.
From the payphone to the car phone to the iPhone, the way we call people has come a long way (even if playing “Snake” on our Nokia bricks was the real high point).
Slydial is faster than a phone call and more personal than a text message, making it perfect for business owners on the go.
You’ll be able to keep your team in the loop or reach out to multiple prospects at once with your streamlined sales pitch.
Schedule voicemail deliveries and reach people at the right time, no matter where they are.
Mobile voice messaging is a great supplement to your traditional sales outreach and can help you provide a personal touch to your clients and prospects.
If you want to reach even more people, the Premium Group subscription lets you send one voicemail to even more phone numbers at the same time.
Slydial lets you efficiently connect with more people via voice messaging for that extra personal touch.
Manage all your account information and subscription details in the Slydial app.
Don’t waste time waiting for the phone to ring or stumbling through a call script. (“Sorry to bother you…”)
Keep things personal with pre-recorded voice messages that boost your leads without waiting on that endless dialing sound.
Slydial makes “straight to voicemail” a great thing.
Get lifetime access to Slydial today!
AppSumo Offer
Deal Terms
- 1 year of FREE access to Slydial Premium Annual Plan
- You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
- All future Premium Annual Plan updates
- Please note: This deal is unable to enhance/reduce between license tiers
- GDPR compliant
- Only for new Slydial users who do not have existing accounts
Who is Slydial For?
- Teams that want to save time and send personal outreach to clients, prospects, and team members
For the occasion, phone calls just won’t do: Life’s important moments should be celebrated with a personal touch – we get it! With Slydial, you can leave a funny, romantic or serious message directly on someone’s voicemail without forcing them to answer. Check it out on AppSumo. Free to try for 1 year. Nothing to lose in my opinion.
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